Selasa, 05 Maret 2019

these-facts-and-baking-soda-for-health benefits

Baking soda or baking soda is known to have many benefits, ranging from health to beauty. Like treating stomach acid or whitening teeth. But unfortunately, information about it is often misinterpreted.

Though there are several uses of baking soda which is often not appropriate for use which can be dangerous. One of them, makes baking soda as a sunscreen.

Now to help you use baking soda appropriately, experts separate the facts and myths from baking soda. The following list as reported by Shepaperie Health.

1. Can help overcome 'heartburn' or stomach acid

"Drinking a mixture of baking soda and water has been used as a hospital medicine for decades," said Allison Dostal Webster, Ph.D., R.D., director of nutrition communication at the International Food Information Council.

Basically, your stomach acid is good, which has a pH of less than 7, while baking soda has a pH higher than 7. When your stomach acid is damaged, and causes discomfort in the stomach or esophagus, baking soda can effectively neutralize the acid, Webster said. But, he stressed, the fact that the benefits of baking soda for the stomach are true, but this home remedy also carries risks.

"There are many reports of cases of people consuming excessive amounts of baking soda, which interferes with our body's acid-base balance and can cause serious cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological effects," Webster said.

So, if you experience stomach acid problems, you should not follow the growing myth of drinking soda soda and water continuously. Talk to your doctor and consider options such as over-the-counter or prescription drugs, Webster said.

2. Can reduce the risk of cavities and bad breath

"The fact that baking soda has been studied is beneficial for oral hygiene. The antimicrobial properties can help fight bacteria that cause bad breath, and reduce the risk of cavities. That's why you can usually find it in several types of toothpaste, "Webster said.

3. Make teeth whiter

Another benefit of baking soda, according to a 2017 meta-analysis in the Journal of the American Dental Association, found that the fact that teeth whitening treatments containing baking soda are more effective than those without these ingredients.

If you want to get white teeth without other treatments, try making a paste from baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, and brushing it on your teeth.

It's just that, the developing myth is to use it every day, because both of these ingredients can be bad when overused. Use it for three days, then use it again in six months to maintain results.

4. Can cleanse and exfoliate the skin

Many beauty blogs refer to the use of baking soda as a natural cleanser. For this, Joshua Zeichner, M.D., director of cosmetic and clinical research in the field of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital confirmed the truth.

"Baking soda can indeed absorb oil and help exfoliate dead cells from the surface of the skin, making it a useful ingredient for homemade scrubs and masks," he said.

If you don't want to use baking soda directly on your face, try a cleanser formulated with baking soda instead to minimize the risk of irritation (such as Pore Cleansers from Bioré Baking Soda).

But, if you have sensitive skin, Zeichner says, it's better to avoid baking soda, because it's a myth, baking soda doesn't work on sensitive skin. It is better to use traditional exfoliators with ingredients such as alpha or beta-hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid.

5. Absorbs excessive sweating

"Because it is absorbent, baking soda can also be used as an ingredient for homemade deodorants," Zeichner said.

this fact is true, you can mix it with water until it turns into pasta, and use it in your armpit. If that sounds troublesome, you can find baking soda as the main ingredient in many natural deodorants too.

However, Zeichner said that if it doesn't work, using baking soda for underarms can also irritate the skin. So, baking soda might not combat the odor in your armpit if it doesn't fit the skin.

6. Treat acne

"The ability of Baking soda to absorb oil explains the report about treating acne," Zeichner said.

Applying baking soda to acne spots, can help dry these skin problems. But, Zeichner said that, this did not really cure. As for the use of baking soda, which can help to fade scars, eliminate bright dark spots, actually this can only be done with exfoliation.

"You can try it, but any form of exfoliation will have the same effect with a smaller risk of skin irritation," he said.

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