Senin, 04 Maret 2019


Nutritionist - The Eid al-Adha feast is synonymous with sacrificial meat feasting which makes people tend to overeat meat. Responding to this, nutritionist Dr. Shot Yen suggested that people not consume meat excessively and enough just to be as wide as the palm of the hand to avoid excessive saturated fat content.

"All the excess is certainly not good. Not eating meat, there is a lot of body fat stock. Protein is enough, as wide as the palm of the hand, if the kidneys are overworked, poor," said Doctor Tan as quoted from the Ministry of Health's press release in Jakarta on Friday ( 1/9/2017).

He said in goat and beef meat contained saturated fats that are not good if consumed in excess. Tan also revealed that fat from animal gajih is the highest calorie that is very slowly digested and causes fat.

To prevent this, the community is expected to be able to control the portion of eating sacrificial meat with regard to portions. Based on the Recommended Nutritional Adequacy Rate (RDA) in 2013, adult protein requirements averaged 65 grams per person in a day. Meat can be consumed two to three times a week.

Also note also how to cook meat that should be cooked perfectly. Fried meat will increase the fat content of cooking oil, while if burned it will risk adding cancer-causing carcinogenic substances.

Tan recommends that you cook meat by boiling and consuming it together with vegetables and fruit to meet balanced nutrition. He added that people make it a habit to choose areas of meat that are less fatty like the stomach area, especially the innards.

"The tip is to divide the meat into several plastic bags after being washed, then put it in the 'freezer'. It doesn't have to be all cooked at once," said doctor Tan.

He also reminded that meat cooked using coconut milk should be eaten once it is finished. "Don't warm up, let alone be cooked again. The coconut milk is not healthy," Tan said.

Dr. Tan reminded the Movement of Healthy Living Society (Germas) to eat with vegetables, vegetables and fruit. It would be much healthier to consume brown rice or mashed brown rice. And choose high-fiber carbohydrates that are colorful like tubers.

"Need vegetable protein, tempe tofu for example. Not exposed to high temperatures directly, forget cooking by burning and frying. Don't forget to eat fish too. What's in fish, it's not in red meat," he explained.

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